Tamer porta “Abbracci per la Palestina” a Lucca Comics, un segnale per non dimenticare.

Tamer Hasbun, a Palestinian living in Italy, decided to raise awareness about the conditions of Palestinians by offering free hugs at the Lucca Comics event. Inspired by artists like Zero Calcare, who boycotted the event due to Israeli sponsorship, Tamer wanted to show solidarity and speak about the Palestinian people. Some people read his sign and walked away, but many reciprocated the hug and showed support. Tamer, who has family still living in Palestine, spoke about the tense situation there and the daily risks people face even before the war. He also shared the lack of birthing facilities for expecting mothers and the arrest of his Christian cousin without any charges. Tamer hopes to continue his activism and potentially bring the sponsorship of the Palestinian state to next year’s event.

“Abbracci per la Palestina”, l’iniziativa di Tamer, a Lucca Comics con un cartello per non dimenticare

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Siena Tamer porta "Abbracci per la Palestina" a Lucca Comics, un segnale per non dimenticare. GN

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