
Amira Trial Tartare, gli studenti dell’Alberghiero pronti per la seconda edizione.

Confesercenti Siena is organizing the second edition of the Amira Trial Tartare, a competition among thirteen students from various Tuscan hotel schools to create the best tartare dish. The students will also be tasked with selecting the ideal wine to accompany their dish. The event will take place on November 6th at Palazzo Patrizi, and this year’s competition will also include attention to the participants’ dress code and a written test to assess their skills. Schools from Colle Val d’Elsa, Chianciano, Montecatini, Grosseto, and Arezzo will be participating. The judges for this edition are Cesare Loverde from Amira, Barbara Bernardi from Tollena farm, chef Nicoletta Marighella, and Silvano Manfrin from Osteria dell’Orcia hotel. Gaetano De Martino, the coordinator of Amira Siena Chianciano, is confident that the event will not only be a competition, but also an opportunity for the students to gain practical experience and enter the work field.

Al via la seconda edizione dell’Amira Trial Tartare. Gli studenti dell’Alberghiero pronti a battersi a suon di battuta – Canale 3

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Siena Amira Trial Tartare, gli studenti dell'Alberghiero pronti per la seconda edizione. GN