Appello del cappellano della comunità: Fate riunire Kata con noi, si prega.

Padre Juan Manuel Núñez Rubio, an Augustinian chaplain of the Latin American community in Florence, spoke during Sunday Mass in the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi about the disappearance of a Peruvian girl named Kataleya. He urged the faithful to have courage and not be paralyzed by fear, as faith in God should overcome any anxiety. He also called for prayers for Kataleya’s safe return and for her parents, who were unable to attend the Mass. Father Rubio emphasized the need to trust in the authorities and to let professionals handle the investigation. He concluded by asking everyone to pray for all missing children and that justice and truth prevail.

"Fate tornare Kata tra noi" Il cappellano della comunità lancia un appello ai rapitori


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