Giorgi abbandona il Pd per unirsi a Italia Viva

Rosa Maria Di Giorgi, former potential mayoral candidate for the Democratic Party (Pd), announced her decision to leave the party and join Italia Viva. Di Giorgi explained that her decision was a difficult one, but was strengthened by recent events in Florence. She expressed concern about the party’s shift towards the left and its inability to engage with the center of the political spectrum. She also cited differences on social and ethical issues such as surrogacy, drug legalization, end-of-life choices, and the desired model of development. Di Giorgi stated that she no longer felt connected to the current national leadership and felt like an unwelcome guest as a Catholic democrat. She emphasized that her departure from the Pd was a personal choice and that she held no political positions. Di Giorgi expressed gratitude towards the national and Tuscan leadership of Italia Viva for accepting her membership and thanked her friends from the Democratic Party for their support over the years. She concluded by stating that she would contribute her ideas and experiences to the Center-left democratic and reformist party.

Di Giorgi, “Lascio il Pd e aderisco a Italia Viva”

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Prato Giorgi abbandona il Pd per unirsi a Italia Viva GN

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