Felicemente accettato l’accordo quadriennale con Vedovini, una scelta audace e vantaggiosa.

Enrico Vedovini, a former jouster for 20 years, has reached an agreement to become the new coach for the Porta del Foro team. This decision is seen as a courageous choice for both Vedovini and the team. The negotiations were quick, only taking three days to finalize. Vedovini expressed his desire to return to the jousting world, and the team was eager to restart. Vedovini had always wanted to pursue coaching since retiring as a jouster for Porta Sant’Andrea, where he had won 12 jousts. The Porta del Foro team hopes this collaboration will bring them the victories they desperately need, as they have not had much success in the past 15 years. Felici, the rector of Porta del Foro, described Vedovini as extremely motivated and well-aware of the hard work required to reach the tournament day. He expressed his satisfaction with Vedovini’s choice to join Porta del Foro. Vedovini will join the team along with the staff and jousters Davide Parsi and Francesco Rossi, who already has experience as a reserve for the biancoverde team.
Felici, “Con Vedovini un accordo per 4 anni. Una scelta coraggiosa per entrambi”
Siena Felicemente accettato l'accordo quadriennale con Vedovini, una scelta audace e vantaggiosa. GN