
Eventi del 2017, Asics Firenze Marathon

Asics Firenze Marathon has announced its calendar of events for 2017, which includes eight different activities. The events begin with the International Multistars Meeting on April 28th and 29th, followed by the “Guarda Firenze” race on April 30th. On May 14th, the “Deejay Ten” race will take place, followed by the “Notturna di San Giovanni” on June 17th. The “Corri la vita” walk will be on September 24th, and the Marathon Expo and Relay Race will take place on November 24th and 25th, respectively. The main event, the International Florence Marathon, will happen on November 26th. These events attract participants from all over the world and are seen as important and complex commitments.

Gli eventi nel 2017 dell’Asics Firenze Marathon

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Firenze Eventi del 2017, Asics Firenze Marathon GN