Ladro di mutande scatenato all’isola d’Elba.

Sant’Ilario, a small village in Italy, has been experiencing a strange phenomenon for over a year – the disappearance of women’s underwear. Someone sneaks up to the clotheslines in the dark and steals intimate lingerie. The latest incident occurred last night, and the news was shared on social media, initially causing amusement. However, upon contacting one of the victims, Maria Luisa, it became evident that she was genuinely concerned about the situation. Over forty pairs of panties and about twenty bras have gone missing so far. Maria Luisa expressed her worry that the situation could escalate, as someone who steals such a large amount of underwear must have some psychological issues. The thefts began the previous winter, primarily targeting a young mother and her daughter. Over thirty pairs of panties and several bras were taken from their drawers. The thefts continued throughout the summer, mainly focusing on tourists’ bikinis. The latest wave of thefts occurred in another area of the village, although still within its historic center. Maria Luisa emphasized that the thief takes all types of underwear, not just new and sexy ones. She also pointed out the paradox of these incidents happening in a peaceful and tight-knit community like Sant’Ilario. However, she also reminded everyone of the unsolved disappearance of Italia Nelli, an 82-year-old woman who vanished without a trace in 2016, which had deeply affected the village. The case received national attention and was covered on the TV show “Chi l’ha visto.”

Incredibile, all’isola d’Elba adesso c’è un ladro di mutande

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Lucca Ladro di mutande scatenato all'isola d'Elba. GN

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