La nostra centralità nello sviluppo sostenibile: il connubio tra ambiente e finanza

Francesco Carri, president of Banca Tema, believes that banks play a central role in the European Union’s action plan to finance sustainable growth with targeted objectives: directing capital flows towards a more sustainable economy, integrating sustainability into risk management, promoting transparency, and having a long-term vision. The European Parliament declared a climate emergency in November 2019, and the European Commission will present the European Green Deal in December 2019 with a roadmap to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. The European Union aims to expand and standardize the information provided to investors regarding financial products with environmental or social characteristics to improve the compatibility of financial products and allow entrepreneurs to better assess their level of sustainability. An agreement was reached on February 28th, which will soon be implemented, in which the Council and the European Parliament establish the requirements for “European green bonds”. The European Banking Authority (EBA) highlights the central role of banks in incorporating the risks related to climate change and companies’ approach to the environment in its report on loan granting and monitoring, together with the ECB and Bankit. Carri stated that it is essential for companies to organize themselves and provide banks with accurate information about their climate and environmental risk characteristics. Banca Tema is committed to implementing its sustainability plan, including both bank-directed initiatives and initiatives aimed at clients. They consider ESG (environmental, social, and governance) strategies, such as CO2 emissions, energy consumption, the gender gap and pay gap, initiatives and financing to support the local community, initiatives and financing for shareholders, clients, and businesses, and the type and hours of training for employees and company representatives. Banca Tema also collaborates with Legambiente and has been involved in initiatives related to renewable energies since 2004. In 2013, their collaboration extended to Federcasse and encompasses renewable energies, energy efficiency, water savings, sustainable mobility, and other environmental sectors. In 2022, they will expand their focus to the agricultural sector with products related to the protection of the Maremma region, including fire prevention, drought prevention, desertification prevention, and support for agricultural companies in the implementation of photovoltaic installations and becoming organic to prevent damage from predators. Banca Tema also practices environmental sustainability, such as their partnership with Legambiente, Cna, and Confartigianato, the realization of the first bank branch with an A energy rating, and their membership in the Bcc Energia consortium, which allows them to source renewable energy at a lower cost. They are working to strengthen dialogue with the business world and have already reached an agreement with Confindustria Toscana Sud, with other agreements ready to be signed and implemented.

Focus su ambiente e finanza "Abbiamo un ruolo centrale per la crescita sostenibile"

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