
Lettori a Lucca, incontro a Palazzo Pfanner il 1 ottobre.

Lucca dei lettori is a literary festival that is part of the larger La città dei lettori festival, which brings authors, illustrators, translators, and curators to Tuscany. It is organized by the Associazione Wimbledon APS and directed by Gabriele Ametrano. The festival will take place on October 1st at Palazzo Pfanner in Lucca and will feature presentations, talks, meetings with writers, readings, and literary walks. The theme of this year’s festival is “Reading changes everything,” and it will also explore the theme of fairy tales in honor of Italo Calvino’s centenary. Some of the notable participants include Alba Donati, Paolo Nori, Luca Ricci, and Agnese Pini. The festival is made possible with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Region of Tuscany, and in collaboration with Palazzo Pfanner and Libreria Lucca Sapiens. The day will feature various events such as Alba Donati discussing her book “La libreria sulla collina,” Paolo Nori giving a lecture on Anna Achmatova, Luca Ricci reading excerpts from his novels, and Agnese Pini presenting her book “Un autunno d’agosto” about the Nazi massacre in San Terenzo Monti. The day will also include readings from Italo Calvino’s “Il barone rampante,” literary walks through Palazzo Pfanner, and discussions on the topic of Eros. The La città dei lettori festival, which has already passed through various locations in Tuscany, will continue in Campi Bisenzio and Impruneta. The festival aims to reach a wide audience in both small and large towns, and it is part of the regional pact for reading promoted by the Region of Tuscany and the Ministry of Culture. The festival is organized by the Associazione Wimbledon APS and has received support from various institutions and organizations such as Unicoop Firenze, Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo, and Premio Strega. All events are free, and some require prior reservation. For more information, visit the festival’s website.

Lucca dei lettori, appuntamento a Palazzo Pfanner domenica primo ottobre

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Lucca Lettori a Lucca, incontro a Palazzo Pfanner il 1 ottobre. GN