Marcello Cecconi, 75 anni, eccelle come studente modello, diploma, laurea triennale e Magistrale dopo la pensione

Marcello Cecconi, a 48-year-old man from Poggibonsi, recently graduated with a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Siena. Despite starting his academic journey later in life after retiring, Cecconi is proud of his achievements and considers himself a neodocent. He now collaborates with culture.globalist, an online newspaper, where he sends historical-cultural articles. These topics have personal significance for him, as they are connected to his family’s experiences during World War II. In addition to his studies, Cecconi has held various jobs in insurance. He is married but does not have children and has also been involved in local amateur soccer. Cecconi’s decision to pursue higher education was driven by a desire to break free from his comfort zone and form new professional relationships. He started his studies with only a high school diploma and completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in three years. During this time, he had fruitful interactions with millennials, participated in the Erasmus program, and overcame language barriers. His bachelor’s thesis focused on fotoromanzo, and his master’s thesis compared the Corriere di Viollier with the Corriere di Cairo. Cecconi received top honors for his thesis, earning a score of 110 cum laude. He takes pride in his achievements and realizes that he has brought to life the dreams his late parents had for him during the economically challenging 1960s.

Marcello Cecconi diventa studente modello a 75 anni. Dopo la pensione diploma, laurea triennale e Magistrale

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Siena Marcello Cecconi, 75 anni, eccelle come studente modello, diploma, laurea triennale e Magistrale dopo la pensione GN

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