Massa, Asl in lutto per la morte del dottor Antonio De Angeli.

Antonio De Angeli, former director of Health Education in Massa Carrara, has passed away. De Angeli, who had been retired for several years, was well-known and respected in the region. The director of the Apuana District, Monica Guglielmi, expressed her deep condolences on behalf of all colleagues. She praised De Angeli as a great professional, highlighting the extensive documentation center he had created in Massa. Guglielmi remembered his kindness, knowledge, and dedication to providing information and education in healthcare. She also mentioned the fond memories of their time working together on the Salute Apuane award. The article concludes with condolences from the management and staff of the entire Azienda Usl Toscana nord ovest to De Angeli’s family.
Massa, Asl in lutto, è morto il dottor Antonio De Angeli
Carrara Massa, Asl in lutto per la morte del dottor Antonio De Angeli. GN