
Ferretti chiede al Comune di Siena piano integrato accoglienza per migranti

“Promote an integrated plan for the first and adequate reception of homeless people and asylum seekers” that “meets the immediate needs of those who arrive suddenly in order to respond to the needs of these people without creating difficulties for citizenship.” This is stated in the motion presented by Anna Ferretti, from Project Siena, on the topic of migrants. The opposition councilor also asks the administration to establish, with third sector organizations, an ‘arrival fund’ to provide a response to the “urgent needs” of homeless people and asylum seekers. It is also requested to “quickly provide temporary shelter”, promote, together with universities and the third sector, “the teaching of the Italian language”, and finally “encourage the managers of the Cas (Centro di Accoglienza Straordinaria) of the former Montalbuccio school to consider a path of socially useful work with the Municipality of Siena, assisted by third sector organizations, to promote a good relationship of collaboration and integration between asylum seekers and citizenship.”

Migranti, mozione di Ferretti: “Il Comune promuova un piano integrato di prima accoglienza” – Siena News

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