La cantina Pontino San Marco celebra Nello D’Alesio, cuore giallorosso.

Nello D’Alesio, co-owner of the D’Alesio Group and prominent figure in Livorno, passed away three months ago at the age of 80. He left an indelible mark on the city, both as a successful businessman and as a passionate sports enthusiast. D’Alesio was instrumental in the success of the Libertas Livorno basketball team, which reached the finals in the 1988-89 season, and later helped the Don Bosco team reach Serie A 2. He was also deeply involved in rowing competitions, particularly supporting the San Marco Pontino team. In honor of his memory, the nautical section of the team will dedicate the Cantina to D’Alesio, a place he was deeply connected to. This symbolic gesture aims to preserve his name and legacy for future rowers who will use the Ilio Dario Barontini’s boat. A ceremony will take place on October 28, 2023, in Livorno.

Pontino San Marco, la cantina intitolata a Nello D’Alesio, “Cuore giallorosso”

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Livorno La cantina Pontino San Marco celebra Nello D'Alesio, cuore giallorosso. GN

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