Rider pakistano premiato a Palazzo Vecchio per aver sventato rapina

Luca Milani, the president of the City Council, and Emanuele Cocollini, the deputy vice-president of the City Council, met with Hanfi Aftab, a Pakistani rider who chased and detained a criminal who had just robbed a tourist last September. A Norwegian family was walking along Via Cavour when a man was allegedly approached from behind by a group of at least three people. Two individuals pushed the victim to the ground and stole his watch. The screams of the victim’s wife and daughter caught the attention of bystanders, including Hanfi Aftab, a 30-year-old Pakistani man. He chased after the robbers, but two of them managed to escape with the stolen goods, while the third was caught in Via dei Fibbiai. Aftab successfully apprehended the criminal until the police arrived and arrested him. Milani and Cocollini praised Aftab’s honesty and courage, awarding him a commendation for his actions. They emphasized that this was a small recognition for a man who has been living in Italy for nine years and works to support his wife and two-year-old son in Pakistan.

Premiato in Palazzo Vecchio il rider pakistano che ha sventato una rapina

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Pistoia Rider pakistano premiato a Palazzo Vecchio per aver sventato rapina GN

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