Regina Camilla riceve libro “La Giostra” e risponde con una lettera.

Simonetta Senatori, a passionate resident of Arezzo with Florentine origins, decided to send a gift to Queen Camilla after her coronation alongside King Charles in the UK. She sent her a book about the Giostra del Saracino, a local event. Simonetta was surprised when she received a response from Clarence House, thanking her for the gift. The letter, written by Queen Camilla, had a printed text but the header and closing were handwritten. Simonetta was touched by the gesture and imagines the Queen’s library with the Giostra book on display.
Regala il libro sulla Giostra alla Regina Camilla e lei le scrive una lettera
Arezzo Regina Camilla riceve libro "La Giostra" e risponde con una lettera. GN