Tantissimi eventi ma nessun impatto significativo sulla Fortezza e Mengo: un’estate ricca ma senza traino di arte e rock? Dichiarazioni di Cinatti: “C’è ancora margine di crescita”

Arezzo Wave, a once successful music festival in Italy, is struggling to attract big national and international names. The festival’s director, Paco Mengozzi, expresses his desire to bring in well-known artists but acknowledges that they cannot do it alone without support from the region and sponsors. Lorenzo Cinatti, the director of Fondazione Guido Monaco, is also interested in the challenge, despite the difficulties in attracting top rock artists. Another issue in the art scene is the lack of contemporary exhibitions. However, Cortona is proving successful with its national events and quality photography exhibitions. Despite these challenges, tourism in the region remains strong.

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preso spunto da: Tanti eventi ma non "spaccano" Fortezza e Mengo: estate ricca Addio al traino di arte e rock? Cinatti: "C’è spazio per crescere"
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