
Pallassini (FI Siena) sollecita attenzione del Ministero per autopalio e tratta ferroviaria Siena-Firenze e Siena-Chiusi

Alessandro Pallassini, the provincial coordinator of Forza Italia in Siena, presented a list of urgent infrastructure projects to Undersecretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Tullio Ferrante. The most important project discussed was the Autopalio, a fast road connecting Siena to Florence, which is used daily by around 60,000 vehicles. Another crucial project for Siena and the province is the lack of a modern and efficient railway system. Pallassini highlighted the need to address these priorities and urgencies, including the completion of the Cassia road to the south of Siena and the improvement of the road leading to the Ospedale delle Scotte hospital.

Autopalio Siena-Firenze, Pallassini ( coordinatore provinciale FI Siena), “ all’attenzione del Ministero  delle Infrastrutture non solo l’autopalio ma anche la tratta ferroviaria Siena-Firenze e Siena-Chiusi”

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Siena Pallassini (FI Siena) sollecita attenzione del Ministero per autopalio e tratta ferroviaria Siena-Firenze e Siena-Chiusi GN