
Nuova ricerca in Toscana sulle cause dell’epilessia attraverso la pelle.

In Tuscany, a joint laboratory has been established to develop and study human neurons using skin cells from patients with neurological diseases. The laboratory was set up by the molecular biology laboratories of neurometabolic diseases and neurobiology, led by Professor Amelia Morrone and Dr. Valerio Conti at the Meyer Research Hospital in Florence. The laboratory was equipped with funding from the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Foundation as part of the “Human Brain Optical Mapping” project. By reprogramming skin cells obtained through biopsy, the laboratory can generate induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSc) and differentiate them into neurons. These neurons, which are identical to those in the patient’s brain, can be studied to understand the causes of the disease and test personalized therapies.

Scovare le cause dell’epilessia dalla pelle, in Toscana si può

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Firenze Nuova ricerca in Toscana sulle cause dell'epilessia attraverso la pelle. GN