
Chiusura dell’accesso di Lavoria-Firenze sulla A11 a Prato causa alluvioni. Viabilità limitata. Fipili interrotto.

Numerous storms and heavy rainfall in Tuscany have caused floods and landslides, resulting in disruptions to road and highway traffic in the region. The A11 highway between Prato Est and Prato Ovest has experienced reduced lanes, while the Sgc Florence-Pisa-Livorno road is closed between the A12 Genoa-Rosignano junction and the Lavoria exit in the direction of Florence, as well as between Lavoria and Colle Salvetti in the direction of Livorno due to flooding. The SS12 Dell’Abetone e del Brennero road is closed between Mozzano and Chifenti due to a landslide. On the other hand, certain sections of the SS1 Aurelia road have been reopened after being closed due to fallen trees and floods. The closure in Santa Maria on the SS67 Tosco Romagnola road has also been lifted.

Alluvioni, viabilità, A11, una sola corsia a Prato. Fipili, chiuso allacciamento di Lavoria – Firenze Post

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Prato Chiusura dell'accesso di Lavoria-Firenze sulla A11 a Prato causa alluvioni. Viabilità limitata. Fipili interrotto. GN