Cittadini alluvionati utilizzano i cellulari per ottenere aiuto dalla protezione civile

Ezio Sabatini, the coordinator of the civil protection volunteer in the province of Siena, has become an unexpected point of reference for families affected by the flooding in Tuscany. Sabatini’s phone started ringing on Thursday evening with people calling for help from Campi Bisenzio. He explains that his phone number became known to people because he used it as a second or third contact number, and it appeared in internet searches connected to the association’s former headquarters in Campi Bisenzio. Sabatini has helped at least thirteen cases by acting as a bridge between the affected individuals and the regional civil protection operations center. He recalls one particular case where someone called for help because their grandparents were without a phone and electricity due to the flooding. Although they lived in the same neighborhood, it was impossible to reach them because of the water. Sabatini hopes that the situation with their grandparents was resolved successfully. He concludes by expressing how rewarding it is to feel useful in such delicate situations.
Cellulare preso d’assalto dai cittadini alluvionati, “Da Siena ho fatto il ’ponte’ con la protezione civile”
Siena Cittadini alluvionati utilizzano i cellulari per ottenere aiuto dalla protezione civile GN