
Giro d’Italia a Lucca, vetrina mediatica per il territorio – Confcommercio

Confcommercio expresses great satisfaction in commenting on the announcement of the Giro d’Italia’s double event scheduled in Lucca and Viareggio on May 8th and 9th next year. They consider it a fantastic opportunity for the territory to have a new and extraordinary media showcase. They express their thanks to the mayors of Lucca and Viareggio and their administrations for their work in obtaining this result. They highlight the significance of the race returning to the province in the year that marks the centenary of Giacomo Puccini’s death, passing through his beloved lands. Confcommercio offers its support for promotional initiatives related to the Giro’s arrival, involving its registered activities.

Confcommercio, “Giro d’Italia a Lucca, vetrina mediatica per tutto il territorio”

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Lucca Giro d'Italia a Lucca, vetrina mediatica per il territorio - Confcommercio GN