Confesercenti chiede di spostare il cantiere a gennaio, troppe incertezze per i negozi.

Confesercenti, an association representing retailers, has raised concerns about the proposed traffic modifications on Via Fiorentina in Arezzo. The modifications are related to the construction of a large roundabout, and Confesercenti believes there are still too many uncertainties about the construction process. They have requested that the construction be postponed until January to avoid potential damage to local businesses. Confesercenti argues that the proposed solutions would cause enormous economic harm to the affected areas. While the local administration has attempted to minimize disruptions by keeping one lane open for outgoing traffic during certain phases, Confesercenti believes that there is not enough time to provide the necessary reassurance to business owners. Therefore, they are urging the city administration to suspend the construction and postpone it until after the holiday season. They argue that the lack of prior consultation with industry associations has resulted in rushed and uncertain solutions. Although the proposed solutions are an improvement compared to previous announcements, Confesercenti maintains that they will not mitigate the risk of damage to local businesses. The association emphasizes that the impact of the construction will extend beyond inconvenience and result in a decrease in revenue for retailers on Via Fiorentina and Via Marco Perennio. Confesercenti believes that this harm will be particularly detrimental during the holiday season. They conclude by expressing the hope that their request will be accepted by the city administration and offering their willingness to engage in constructive dialogue to minimize the impact of the construction on retailers, residents, and motorists.
Confesercenti, “Troppe incertezze per i negozi, necessario spostare il cantiere a gennaio”
Pistoia Confesercenti chiede di spostare il cantiere a gennaio, troppe incertezze per i negozi. GN