
Furti senza fine ad Arezzo, residente esausta – “Insopportabile”.

Alessandro Beatrice, son of former Fiorentina football player Bruno Beatrice, has launched a petition to bring attention to the security issue plaguing Arezzo and its valleys. He claims that his property has been broken into five times in recent months, and other homes in the area have also been targeted. Beatrice and over 400 signatories demand help and solutions, tired of hearing that security in other cities is worse. They plan to meet with local mayors and eventually bring the issue to the regional government. Beatrice expresses a desire to feel safe in his own home and hopes for a resolution to the problem.

Escalation furti ad Arezzo, Beatrice è stufo, “Non è più vita”

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Arezzo Furti senza fine ad Arezzo, residente esausta - "Insopportabile". GN