Fabbroni, “L’amore forse”, un romanzo per riscoprire Arezzo

Barbara Fabbroni, a renowned psychologist, psychotherapist, criminologist, journalist, and award-winning writer, presents her first novel “L’amore forse” in Arezzo for the first time. The book, published in 2015 and winner of the Accademia Res Aulica di Bologna Award, was republished by Arnaldo Curcio and won the Starlight Award at the Venice80 International Film Festival. Fabbroni is honored at the 10th edition of the Starlight International Cinema Award, founded by Francesca Rettondini and Giuseppe Zaccaria. The novel is set in Paris, a city dear to the author, and follows the protagonist Charlotte, a young career woman who moves to Paris to work in the fashion industry. She begins therapy with psychologist Sophie Leclerc, embarking on a journey of memories, emotions, and dreams. The narrative alternates between Charlotte’s past and present, exploring her experiences with infidelity and disappointment. The book delves into themes of anger, disillusionment, and bitterness, ultimately leading Charlotte to leave New York and return to Italy before settling in Paris.
“Fabbroni e “L’amore forse”, Un romanzo per tornare ad Arezzo”
Arezzo Fabbroni, "L’amore forse", un romanzo per riscoprire Arezzo GN