Da Saione a New York, Stefano Lorenzini, l’aretino, partecipa alla maratona nella Grande Mela.

Stefano Lorenzini, an athlete from Arezzo, is preparing to participate in the New York Marathon. To train for the event, he has organized a collective training session in Saione, Arezzo, with the support of local authorities and organizations. The event will take place on October 22nd and participants will be able to run, walk, or bike a distance of 4,400 meters, symbolically representing the marathon distance. The registration fee for the event is 10 euros, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Fossombroni retirement home. The local community is showing its support for Stefano’s endeavor, highlighting the connection between sports, solidarity, and emotions. Stefano is confident for the upcoming marathon, having completed a successful 37-kilometer training run. The involvement of the local government and organizations demonstrates their commitment to supporting passionate athletes and initiatives that benefit the community. The event is seen as an opportunity to bring the neighborhood of Saione together and show support for Stefano’s athletic journey.
From Saione to New York, l’aretino Stefano Lorenzini alla maratona della Grande Mela
Arezzo Da Saione a New York, Stefano Lorenzini, l'aretino, partecipa alla maratona nella Grande Mela. GN