Giornata di digiuno e preghiera per la pace ad Arezzo, in risposta alla guerra in Terra Santa.

Arezzo is preparing for a day of fasting, prayer, and abstinence in solidarity with the events happening in the Holy Land. This day will take place on Tuesday, October 17th, with a central moment at the Cathedral of Arezzo, where the Bishop will lead the Rosary prayer in front of the image of the Madonna del Conforto. The Bishop of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, Andrea Migliavacca, has invited all priests and communities to pray for peace in accordance with the Italian Episcopal Conference’s suggestion during Sunday Mass on October 15th and Tuesday, October 17th. The diocese also aims to strengthen its special bond with the Church of Jerusalem, as established by the twinning agreement signed in 2010. In addition, the Catholic Ordinaries in the Holy Land have issued a letter expressing their sorrow and anguish over the ongoing violence and have called for a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer on October 17th. They urge accompanying these acts with moments of eucharistic adoration and the Rosary. The Italian Church has also joined this call for peace and reconciliation and has suggested a specific prayer intention to be adopted during Mass on October 15th and 17th. The prayer in the Cathedral of Arezzo will be broadcast live throughout Tuscany by the diocesan channel, Telesandomenico.
Guerra in Terra Santa, ad Arezzo si terrà la giornata di digiuno e preghiera per la pace
Arezzo Giornata di digiuno e preghiera per la pace ad Arezzo, in risposta alla guerra in Terra Santa. GN