
Il saluto di Castelnuovo Magra a Don Alessandro Chiantaretto.

Alessandro Chiantaretto, the beloved priest of Castelnuovo Magra, has accepted the proposal from the Bishop to serve a community of Italians abroad in Fribourg. After ten years in Castelnuovo Magra, he has decided to embark on this new mission in a city where 20,000 Italians reside. The assignment will last at least a year. Chiantaretto had previously been involved in a staged theft of a valuable painting, “The Crucifixion of Christ” by Bruegel, from the local church. The thieves, who had received a tip about the planned theft, replaced the artwork with a photograph of the same size, which was then stolen by amateur art thieves.

Il saluto del paese di Castelnuovo Magra a don Alessandro Chiantaretto

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Carrara Il saluto di Castelnuovo Magra a Don Alessandro Chiantaretto. GN