Laura Battiferri, poetessa fiorentina del XVI secolo, intellettuale rinomata.

Laura Battiferri, born in Urbino in 1523 and died in Florence in 1589, was a prominent figure in the Florentine elite of the mid-16th century. She was the wife of architect and sculptor Bartolomeo Ammannati and was close to the Medici court, especially to Duchess Eleonora di Toledo. Laura embodied the ideal of an educated woman who prioritized moral values and purity of thought over physical beauty. She was a prolific poet and a member of prestigious academic circles, including the Accademia degli Intronati in Siena, which was usually closed to women. In celebration of the 500th anniversary of her birth, the Florence World Heritage and UNESCO Relations Office, in collaboration with the University of Florence, has organized a series of events for both the general public and scholars. The first event, on September 23rd, will take place in the San Giovannino degli Scolopi church, where Laura Battiferri and her husband are buried. It will feature readings of her poems, accompanied by musical performances. The celebrations will continue on October 1st, November 5th, and December 3rd, with literary and artistic performances in front of a portrait of Laura painted by Agnolo Bronzino, displayed in the Palazzo Vecchio Museum. The festivities will end with a research day focused on Laura Battiferri on December 1st at the Marucelliana Library. Participation in the September 23rd event is free, but subject to availability.
Laura Battiferri, intellettuale e poetessa fiorentina del XVI secolo
Firenze Laura Battiferri, poetessa fiorentina del XVI secolo, intellettuale rinomata. GN