Fiaccolata per la pace a Firenze, invito ebrei e palestinesi dell’abate.

Dom Bernardo Gianni, the abbot of San Miniato al Monte, a monumental church overlooking Florence, has called for a torchlight procession for peace that will bring Jews and Palestinians together along with the Catholic world, civil society, politics, trade unions, and associations. He launched this “courageous gathering” in these dark hours of anguish, confusion, and justified concerns. Many have responded to the appeal of the Olivetan Benedictine monk, who preached spiritual exercises in front of Pope Francis in 2019. Some Jews have already announced their personal participation, and the Jewish community will make a decision in the coming hours. The Imam of Florence, Izzedin Elzir, has confirmed his participation, as has Mayor Dario Nardella. The silent march without flags will take place on Monday from 6,30 pm, starting from Ponte alle Grazie, a symbol of unity between the two banks of the Arno and an invitation to intercultural encounter. It will conclude at the Basilica of San Miniato above Piazzale Michelangelo, a terrace loved by tourists. The event is not a prayer meeting but an inclusive proposal. It anticipates the interreligious prayer day called for by Pope Francis on Friday, October 27. The initiative in Florence is inspired by the prophecy of the “saint” mayor Giorgio La Pira, who considered Florence a second Jerusalem. The abbot explains in his open letter that it is not possible to accept “a desperate and cynical resignation to evil” and to renounce the concrete need for every thought and action to promote justice and peaceful coexistence among different peoples and cultures. The procession aims to be a “renewed message of peace and hope” conveyed through the faces, gazes, silence, and conscientious memory of the pain of the hostages and their families, as well as the innocent bloodshed in these days of ferocity.
Medio Oriente. A Firenze la fiaccolata per la pace. L’abate, invito ebrei e palestinesi
Firenze Fiaccolata per la pace a Firenze, invito ebrei e palestinesi dell'abate. GN