
Mazzoni squalificato 5 giornate, minacce e offese arbitro

Luca Mazzoni, the current goalkeeper coach for Livorno, has been given a five-match suspension by the sports judge following a 1-0 victory over Real Forte Querceta. According to the Lnd bulletin, Mazzoni “approached the members of the opposing bench in a threatening manner.” Additionally, after the match, he directed “threatening and disrespectful expressions towards the referee in the area in front of the changing rooms.” Mazzoni’s absence from the bench will be a significant loss for the Livorno team for over a month, as he provides important support to the coaching staff during matches.

“Minacce agli avversari e offese all’arbitro”, Mazzoni squalificato per 5 giornate

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Lucca Mazzoni squalificato 5 giornate, minacce e offese arbitro GN