PalaRogai, limitati spazi per il pattinaggio

Claudiu Stanasel, a councilor from the center-right party, has raised concerns about the closure of a skating club in Prato, Italy. The club, which currently has around fifty skaters, is struggling to find enough training space. Specifically, the Palas Rogai sports facility now only allows the club an hour and a half of training per week, making it difficult for the skaters to practice and improve their skills. This issue is not new, as it has been ongoing for over four years. Stanasel has decided to bring attention to the matter by submitting an official request to the mayor, asking for clarity and concrete plans regarding the future of the skating club. He believes that the potential closure of the club would be a failure for the entire city and emphasizes the importance of finding a solution promptly.
“Pattinaggio. Pochi spazi al PalaRogai”
Prato PalaRogai, limitati spazi per il pattinaggio GN