
Pisa Training Center a Gagno, piano attuativo indefinito, serve chiarezza sull’iter.

Diritti in Comune, a political group in Pisa, is questioning the progress of the Pisa Sporting Club’s sports center project in Gagno. The group believes that the opportunity to redevelop a green area in the center of two neighborhoods and near an important archaeological site has been missed. Despite previous announcements of construction starting in June and then September, nothing has been done besides putting up a fence. The group is demanding clarity on the project’s progress and is concerned that no construction permits have been requested. The lack of a finalized plan, including addressing environmental issues raised by competent bodies, has delayed the project. The group questions why unfounded announcements are made instead of focusing on creating a project that is compatible with regulations and the area, and then providing credible and certain dates for construction. They emphasize the importance of transparency and accurate information regarding the project to the public, who have had their expectations dashed by previous misleading statements.

Pisa Training Center a Gagno, “Manca il piano attuativo definitivo, serve chiarezza sull’iter”

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Carrara Pisa Training Center a Gagno, piano attuativo indefinito, serve chiarezza sull'iter. GN