“Sospetto di omicidio collabora nell’interrogatorio carcerario” – Funerali di Seipio oggi.

Braulio Pavel Martinez Mesa, a 33-year-old resident of Corciano, is accused of the murder of Joel Ramirez Seipio. During his interrogatory, he cooperated with the judge, providing detailed answers to every question. The crime occurred outside the El Angel Vip disco in Terranuova Bracciolini, where the two men got into a violent altercation. Martinez Mesa allegedly threw a hookah bottle at Seipio, with the top part breaking against Seipio’s body and the bottom part causing fatal cuts to his throat. The suspect was caught on surveillance footage with distinct red sneakers and a tattoo on his hand, which became crucial evidence against him. Investigations are ongoing to determine if there were other participants in the brawl. The funeral for Seipio will be held in the Montevarchi community.
“Sconvolto, ma collaborativo”, interrogato in carcere il giovane accusato dell’omicidio di Seipio. Oggi i funerali
Arezzo "Sospetto di omicidio collabora nell'interrogatorio carcerario" - Funerali di Seipio oggi. GN