
Puliamo il Mondo 2023, volontariato a Siena per la pulizia delle città

Legambiente promotes the Italian version of Clean Up the World, called “Puliamo il Mondo”, in its 31st edition. This initiative aims to clean up parks, gardens, streets, squares, rivers, paths, and beaches in many cities around the world. It also serves as an opportunity for people to come together and raise awareness about the importance of keeping the planet clean, breaking down cultural, social, religious, and discriminatory barriers. In Siena, on September 23rd, citizens are invited to clean up the pedestrian path of the Francigena, from Due Ponti to Isola d’Arbia. The event is organized by Legambiente Siena APS, in collaboration with the Municipality of Siena, WWF Siena, FIAB, and CAI Siena. Participants can register by emailing

Siena,  Puliamo il Mondo 2023; il 23 settembre torna la grande campagna di volontariato per ripulire le città dai rifiuti organizzata da Legambiente Siena Aps

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Siena Puliamo il Mondo 2023, volontariato a Siena per la pulizia delle città GN