
Eventi speciali a Livorno per celebrare Halloween la notte del 31 ottobre.

Halloween is a special night in Livorno and surrounding areas, with various events planned. The 12th edition of the FiPiLi Horror Festival will feature guests such as director Michele Soavi, actors Edoardo Leo and Edoardo Gabbriellini, and singer-songwriter Motta. On October 31st, there will be Halloween Monsters Invasion in Fortezza Vecchia and Halloween Party in Fortezza Nuova. The Teatro Goldoni will host a symphonic concert called “La notte delle streghe” and the Museo Giovanni Fattori will have activities for children. Vicarello and Calafuria will also have Halloween events. San Vincenzo and Piombino are preparing for Halloween with various initiatives, and there will be activities in Rosignano as well.

Speciale Halloween, cosa fare a Livorno la notte del 31 ottobre

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Livorno Eventi speciali a Livorno per celebrare Halloween la notte del 31 ottobre. GN