
Lucca Comics & Games, un viaggio artistico che continua su PlayStationBit 5.0

Lucca Comics & Games has opened two exhibitions at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Lucca, Italy. One exhibition is dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien, marking 50 years since his death, and the other is focused on comic book artist Howard Chaykin. The exhibitions, organized by Lucca Comics & Games in collaboration with the City of Lucca, the Banca del Monte di Lucca Foundation, and the Lucca Development Foundation, celebrate the fantastic and explore new visual paths. The exhibitions will be open to the public until November 5th, with free admission from October 28th to 31st and reserved access for festival ticket holders from November 1st to 5th. The exhibition “Other Minds and Hands, JRRT50. Nel tempo e nello spazio, nel gioco e nel fumetto” showcases artwork inspired by Tolkien’s works and the world of Middle-earth. The exhibition “Howard Chaykin, A Dark Prince of Comics” takes visitors on a journey through Chaykin’s career, featuring his iconic comic book works and his critical analysis of the comic book industry in his graphic novel “Hey Kids! Comics!”. Additionally, a new stair lift has been installed at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni to provide accessibility for visitors with wheelchairs.

Toghether… In mostra, continua il viaggio tra i percorsi artistici di Lucca Comics & Games – PlayStationBit 5.0

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Lucca Lucca Comics & Games, un viaggio artistico che continua su PlayStationBit 5.0 GN