Inizio processo in Corte d’Assise per omicidio compagna e suocera.

Jawad Hicham, a 38-year-old North African man, is facing charges of double homicide aggravated by cohabitation. Hicham is accused of stabbing his 35-year-old partner, Sara Ruschi, and her 76-year-old mother, Brunetta Ridolfi, to death in their apartment in via Benedetto Varchi. He could face life imprisonment for his crimes. Represented by lawyer Fiorella Bennati, Hicham is currently detained in the prison of Prato and will appear before the Court of Assizes in Arezzo. Due to the severity of his crimes, he is not eligible for reduced sentencing through a plea bargain, although he may request a psychiatric evaluation to determine his mental state at the time of the murders. The femicide occurred on the night of April 13, witnessed by the couple’s children, a 16-year-old teenager and a 2-year-old girl. Hicham first attacked his partner and then her mother. The autopsy revealed that Sara suffered approximately 15 stab wounds while trying to defend herself but succumbed to her injuries before reaching the hospital. Brunetta faced fewer stab wounds, possibly inflicted as she tried to help her daughter. Hicham fled the scene but attempted to call for help from a phone booth outside the apartment. The couple’s eldest son contacted emergency services to report the incident. The children of the couple, as well as the victims’ relatives and the association “Senza veli sulla lingua”, which fights against gender violence, will be constituted as civil parties in the trial.
Uccise la compagna e la suocera a coltellate, via al processo in Corte d’Assise
Siena Inizio processo in Corte d'Assise per omicidio compagna e suocera. GN